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Showing posts from May, 2015

Wish List, Redirection, Quiz and Weekly Wrap Up

Wish List At last week's parent potluck, we posted a school "wish list" for supplies and materials for the children's projects and big ideas. It's listed below if you find yourself doing some weekend cleaning or garage sailing. Additionally, another big wish we have is help with fundraising to send the MVS staff to a variety of valuable professional development opportunities throughout the course of the year. In the coming weeks, we will be adding a section to our website where families and community members can view the specific courses or trainings we are saving up for. From there, we hope that this section will enable viewers to donate directly, or assist us in raising the funds needed to attend. We will keep you posted, and thanks again for your continued support! We could use.... Small tables for art Small benches or stools Used boat sails A work bench Aprons or smocks Baskets (any and all sizes) Large rocks  Soil: potting/compost Planters, wind...

Memorial Day Weekend...Summer in the Air!

An abridged newsletter this week as we complete projects here at school. We wish you a relaxing long weekend with family and friends.  We also wanted to give a quick shout out to all of the families who joined us for Friday's potluck. It was a great opportunity for us to connect over good food and with good company. In the coming week, look for the updated school calendar/holiday closures schedule, as well as the "wish list" that Sarah mentioned.  We'll be back to our regularly scheduled programming in next week's newsletter. Enjoy a few photos below, and fire up the grill! -Sam As Seen at MVS

Teaching the Teachers and Memorial Day Closing

Memorial Day Please remember that we will be closed for Memorial Day on Monday May 25th. We look forward to seeing you and the children the following day.  And Psssttt... You probably don't need another reminder, BUT! once again, the Parent Potluck is on Friday the 22nd from 6-7.  Teaching the Teachers: Recent Training Notes We wanted to pass along a few notes regarding trainings we have attended lately! As we've mentioned before, we're in constant pursuit of new learning in our field. Last weekend, Sarah spent a day in Hanover, NH at a workshop led by Charlie Applestein , an educational consultant and trainer. This was an inspirational talk with a few big take aways: There's no such thing as a "bad kid." This is Charlie's motto. He encourages a positive and respectful approach in all interactions with children. To show children we love, care for and respect them, it's important to consider our affect, tone of voice and approach. This also me...

Building Resilience (and Happy Mother's Day)

A big shout out to all the Moms on Mother's Day. We hope you enjoyed a special day! Lots in the newsletter this week, so let's get to it! Warmer Weather Checklist Last week we did break out the sprinkler, and in preparation for the warmer weather, please be sure your child has the following: Sunscreen Water bottle that lives at school Swim suit (consider packing 2) Sun hat (if desired) And raincoats/Tuffo suits and rain boots should still be sent in, while this spring hasn't proved all too rainy, we still want to be prepared for precipitation. Thanks! Kylie Returns to MVS You may remember Kylie, who helped out primarily in our downstairs classrooms last year. Kylie is heading into her senior year at Colby-Sawyer College, and we are happy to welcome her back again this summer. Potluck Reminder Once again, a reminder for our upcoming Parent Potluck: May 22nd from 6-7 pm. Bring a dish to share. Building Resilience in Children In both March and April, we dis...

And May Begins...

Container Collection We really do love containers; the creative potential is somewhat endless! In the coming week we ask that you drop off your containers in the collection basket here at school (main entrance downstairs). We're looking for any/all types of containers, with a special request for glass jars and laundry detergent jugs, both with lids. Please be sure your container donations are clean and dry. Thanks so much. Welcome Kirby Next week we will welcome Kirby Williams to MVS. Kirby will serve as an assistant teacher and will be spending time in all classrooms here at school. Many of you may already be familiar with Kirby; she has worked at Stowe's Ski and Ride School for many years. Please say hello and introduce yourself!   Play Workshop: Thoughts and Reactions? Parents and families, if you attended the The Brain Science of Play workshop on Wednesday and would like to share your reactions/comments, please email Sam at We will ...