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PCC Notes

Our Mission: Support the MVS community and create opportunities for families to come together

  • $250 purchase!  It has had one round of work done to it.  Sarah is bringing it to life
  • Go fund me - Sarah will put the account info in account for bus.  She will put link back on the blog
  • Umiak buses - Luke offered a suggestion to look into asking Umiak to lease their busses for some time in the winter season.  Sarah will let team know if there is a need for more buses to go off site next season (field trips, etc).

  • Passed fire and safety inspection!
  • Goal - start making food beginning of May
  • Bill going through congress / farm to school ...they are working on passing farm to early ed. bill. Resources could come to the school for food and different age groups.  Sarah will stay connected with this and report out with any progress.
  • Goal is to start with lunch - working on a balanced meal (protein and veg components, etc).  Next would be afternoon snack that would be portable so groups could take snack outside or on walks
  • Cost $3-5 per student per day
  • Would food program be optional?  - yes
  • Allergies - we have a peanut allergy and gluten intolerance.  Kitchen will be nut free but not gluten free. We will always provide a gluten free option.  Peanut butter would be offered in the classrooms that do not have allergies.
  • Group talked about local farms and resources that are known.  Sarah is forming a group of local connections. Goal is to source the majority of our food locally.
  • Someone had the idea that families could sign up to bring food to the kitchen (vs. making snack)
  • Food from farms will be known and planned for(vs. CSA style), menu will go out a month in advance.  
  • Sarah will reach out to families with more information about kitchen (plan, food, cost, etc) by mid April

Universal Preschool - Act 166
  • Partnership with the local towns to offer 10 hrs of prek a week for all 3 and 4 year olds.  Offered for 35 weeks for the school year
  • MVS is a qualified school - stars!
  • MVS gets funding based on number of kids and passing all the criteria. Sarah creates a budget according to the requirements for Act 166. The funding coming from the school district is then applied to the tuition.   
  • Sarah will explain it “number wise” to families and how the $ breakdown looks for MVS children  - the Act 166 link/page can be very misleading, there are costs that MVS must endure to provide prekindergarten so it actually increases tuition and the funding will help take care of a portion of those expenses.
  • Suggestion that Sarah put out a simple explanation to affected families about Act 166- meeting in early august for upcoming school year
  • Sarah said that sharing happens with other prekindergarten programs at partnership meetings regarding and how the area preschools are handling the funding

Potlucks and topics - parent survey (next potluck May 18)
  • Could the fact that the potluck and PCC meetings happen on the same might be deterring people from coming?
  • Idea to Create a Google form - ask…
    • Who is interested in coming to the potluck (all are invited even you don’t RSVP)
    • List topics to talk about - what would you be interested in?  
    • Do you need childcare?
    • What is best way for you to communicate with sarah
    • Agenda items for the PCC to talk about - questions to address?
    • Next potluck date May 18
    • Noelle will draft a form and share with the group

Next gym playday and clothing swap
  • Date ideas: April 22, 29 sat.  9-12:00 - Katie will check with Rachel
  • Table for food and coffee - Andrea to bring coffee
  • Need tables for the clothes
  • Find out if we can get into the school the night before - email Rachael K - Katie will
  • Send message to families about Clothing drop/swap
    • Drop off: main foyer - we will pick up bags each day when they are there
    • no stains or rips
    • Clothes, shoes,/ jackets - baby carriers, hats mittens boots,
    • please no gear (i.e. swings, walkers, etc.)
  • Sort the night before/ friday
  • $10 donations at the door for open gym, another jar near the clothing tables
  • Teachers could reach out to older families who have moved on to kindy - who?
  • Katie will reach out to Tyler for the flyer once date is confirmed
  • PCC email to parents - Noelle will draft email about clothes drop/swap details and wait to hear confirmation about date to send

  • Table until next meeting
Group had a conversation about Parent teacher conferences as well as putting together a list of sitters for the group to use, especially for school closing.  We also discussed some safety pieces, including a large tree branch falling in the back playground a few weeks ago.  There was no notification to families about this.  Katie will talk to Sarah.   

Next Meeting date:  TBD
Action items
  • Sarah will reach out to families with more information about kitchen (plan, food, cost, etc) by mid April
  • Suggestion that Sarah put out a simple explanation to affected families about Act 166 to clarify misconceptions
  • Noelle will draft a google form abou the next potluck and other topics and share with the group
  • Katie will check with Rachael about gym dates and ability to get in friday night to set up
  • Katie will reach out to Tyler for the flyer once date is confirmed
  • Noelle will draft email to families about the clothing swap/drop, stating that more details about the open gym will be coming
  • Andrea will provide coffee and giant coffee maker.  
  • PCC group to bring light snacks (small bite sized!)
  • Suggestion to reach out to older families who have moved on to kindy for the swap (who could do this?)

Our Mission: Support the MVS community and create opportunities for families to come together

NEW TEACHER! Starting at the end of April - Jane
Kitchen - hot topic!! (priority to get info from Sarah)
  • Group talked about the kitchen and had questions.
    • Heater is going in!  Waiting to hear back from fire and safety inspection
    • Baking cooking snacks will be plan to start.  No cost to start.  Will help plan for volume
    • Sarah to start and then will hire someone.  
    • Daily budget - $2 day per child
    • People can opt out. All or nothing.  Anticipate that majority of families want to do it.  
    • We could come up with a list of questions that families would have about Food
    • Start with survey and then Sarah could send out a FAQ
    • Keep it vegetarian, which will keep cost down.  Nut free. Organic as much as possible
  • When will information go out? Update, timing, etc.
  • What is the list of needs for kitchen
  • adult/child ratio is 2 adults to 5 kids.  Worried about ratio and availability of help on the lifts.  
  • Could some children pay and go to ski school?  
  • Question out to parents - Would you pay for ski school if we provided the transportation (leaving other children to ski with Sarah, decreasing the ratio).
  • Then will survey monkey go out to gather info from families (ie people who could provide vouchers, etc)  
Stowe El. School - Social
  • Will bus be ready? Nope
  • Saturday Feb 18th  9-noon Social
  • Coffee- cream and sugar - Katie
    • Buy Joe to go?  - Reva will get 2 boxes
  • $5-10 donation - money to go
    • Sarah has an Amazon wishlist
  • BYO water bottles and snacks (we could bring
  • Try to get Bus there on the 18th to see and tour?  -
  • Advertise - email invitation / Emily to make, Rachel to print out for doors at school (have draft by Feb 6 - send out to group.  Group will also post on Facebook and have sarah put it in the body of the blog email AND in the blog
    • Highlight that babies are welcome!! Mat area
  • Bouncy houses - Katie will talk to Meg, Andrea - 3
  • Toys, rugs and activities from classroom - Rachel and Kelly
    • Tumble mats
  • Hold on clothes swap until March / April
  • Have a list of the needs on a poster

Sledding & Playground Social
  • Saturday March 11 - time TBD
  • Bring your mug…”special drinks”
Open Skate
  • Katie will ask about the room and check the March schedule.
Bowling Night
  • Parent night out- kids bring  boxed dinner and jammies, movie night.  - hard to get out!
  • Check in with Rachel about $ donation and plan to have a moms night out.
  • Check in about Donation going to MVS

Project Idea !!
Parents - get recipes and lists of favorite lunches and snack with pictures.  Collect recipes from families and put together a cookbook by NEXT NOV. stick season social.  Start gathering ideas this summer.
  • Gift ideas
  • Kids artwork and kids photos
  • Lets keep people in the loop about where the money is going
    • Tree house project
Parent communication - Survey
  • Skiing
  • General - info gathering
  • What is important - social (ie potluck)
  • Kitchen questions

Sarah, please see bold items

Has been purchased
State says no booster seats
Seats have cross body seat belt
Children must be 2+
Sarah plans on 3+

Sarah will send Go Fund me out to PTA

Can we get a parent volunteer sign-up sheet for trips to the mountain? (when you are ready)

Get togethers and fundraisers

1.SES Gym social
  • Rachael will check on date
  • Bring your water bottles and a snack to share

2 Public skate and rent public room

3. Labels
Katie will give Bubble Sticker fundraiser information to Kelly

4. Stowe Bowl

5. Cork- Valentine’s cookie decorating event  

Tree House
What are the next steps?

1.Thank you to Stick Season Social sponsors
Cards are made and will be given to Sarah to decorate with kids tomorrow
Andrea will pick them up for delivery on Thursday, December 15

2. Email to parents thanking them for holiday donations and thanking them for their support in giving the MVS teachers a paid week of vacation over the holiday break
Email address is mvsparents@gmail  password: 192thomaslane
Is this something that Meg can draft and we can send from the new email address?

3. Create a mission statement for the MVS PTA
Idea: Support the MVS community and create opportunities for families to come together
We welcome other ideas

Bus-Sarah found a better bus.
Goal- to take 5 kids a day to the mountain for skiing

Future agenda items
  1. Bubble names stickers fundraiser
  2. Summer Solstice Stroll - Let’s have a family craft time to make lanterns before the event
  3. 2017 Helen Day Tree - Family ornament making time
  4. Surveymonkey- use for gathering parent feedback
  5. Create a series of dates on Saturday afternoons 2:30-4:30 playdates in the SES gym $5-10 family admission - all admission proceeds go to the Buy a Bus fund
  6. Plan dates for next 3 or 4 meetings

Ideas for family get togethers

  • Sledding afternoon
  • Farm Trip
  • Reservoir BBQ
  • Open Gym at SES


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