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Showing posts from March, 2017

Happy Spring!

[in Just-] Related Poem Content Details by e e cummings in Just-  spring          when the world is mud-  luscious the little  lame balloonman  whistles          far          and wee  and eddieandbill come  running from marbles and  piracies and it's  spring  when the world is puddle-wonderful  the queer  old balloonman whistles  far          and             wee  and bettyandisbel come dancing  from hop-scotch and jump-rope and  it's  spring  and           the                 ...

Early Childhood Day at the Legislature

News and Reminders: This week our Parent Collaboration Committee met on Thursday evening. Topics that were discussed included the kitchen and food program, an explanation of Act 166 (our partnership with local school districts to provide prekindergarten), and an upcoming clothing swap and family event. Please look to the right side of the blog for a link to all PCC notes . We are updating them after each meeting. If you have questions about what was discussed at the meeting please feel free to contact me or any of the parents that regularly attend. We would love to have more of you attend the meetings. Please keep an eye out for a survey before the next meeting on May 18th. Early Childhood Day at the Legislature This week both Megan and I attended Early Childhood Day at the Legislature. This is a yearly event when all early childhood professionals are invited for a day of learning, networking, and gathering together to support early childhood in the state of Vermont. The event is...

March 11, 2017

News and Reminders: Please leave toys from home at home. It is difficult for children to bring their own toys into school as it creates trouble with sharing and ownership. We try to minimize the frustrations over materials as much as possible. We ask that those personal items do not come into school. A small stuffed animal or security item may be brought in for nap time. We keep those items on the children's cots or in their cubbies specifically to be used only during napping. Thank you for understanding. Also, please remember to label your children's containers with their name and date! We have a lot of teachers that help wash dishes and may not know each individual container. To help us make sure that you get everything sent home at the end of each day please make sure things are labeled clearly. Parent Potluck and Parent Collaboration Committee Meeting this Thursday 6:00 pm. Helen Day Art Center is hosting the following program: Art Play!  Saturdays March 11th, A...

March 3, 2017

March 3, 2017 Each month the preschool classroom reads Maurice Sendak's "Chicken Soup with Rice". We felt that this month was especially perfect.  News and Reminders A family is currently missing a Patagonia children's jacket. It is navy on one side and navy and orange on the other, it is reversible. It was last seen in the basket in the entryway. In the pocket, it is labeled with the initials EK. Please return it to Sarah if it is found. Thank you!  Parent Potluck and Parent Collaboration Committee Meeting on March 16th at 6:00 pm.  With the ever changing weather, it is time to think about upcoming Mud Season! It has already been here a bit and will definitely be back in the next few weeks. Please think about appropriate clothing for your children and providing extra layers as some do not dry from morning to afternoon.  We have a special deal with  Oaki Wear  for 15% off when you enter outdoorschool at c...