At MVS we work hard every day to provide high-quality care and education for our children. But a reality of our work is that we can't accommodate every family that needs our services. A 2016 analysis of Vermont's early childhood landscape found that over 70% of children under age 6 have all available parents in the labor force, meaning they are likely to need care. 79% of those infants and toddlers do not have access to high-quality programs, and 47% don't have access to regulated programs at all. Let's Grow Kids is a public awareness campaign that is working to educate Vermonters about the impact of early childhood experiences on brain development as well as the current challenges for families of young children and early education providers. Their website includes more information about brain development, the economic impact of child care, and a petition you can sign in support of increasing public investment in early childhood education. They also have a big event...
This is the weekly newsletter of Mountain Village School, an early childhood learning community located in Stowe, Vermont.