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Announcements of All Kinds and Classroom Updates

Reminder: School Closed 4/24
A friendly reminder that we will be closed this Friday, April 24th for a staff  In-Service Day. We look forward to seeing you and the children when we reopen on Monday April 27th. 

Preparing for Warmer Weather
Although the forecast for the upcoming week does not seem to be all too sunny and warm, last week we experienced the beautiful and strong power of the sun, hooray! More days like this call for sun hats, sunscreen, and water bottles. Fair haired kiddos will appreciate the sun protection on their heads, and sunscreen and water bottles help us stay healthy and hydrated with extended outdoor time. Thanks so much for sending these items along with your children. And, don't forget to label them as well!

But the Wet and Muddy Might Stick Around...
Please do continue to take home wet and/or muddy clothing to be washed/dried on a daily basis. Your comfy cozy children will thank you, and so do we!

Save the Date: 5/22 Parent Potluck
Keep that spot open on your calender; we would love to see you at our parent potluck from 6-7 pm. Bring a dish to share. 

Classroom Happenings
Infant I: The room continues to become more active, we are a group of babies who work to roll, crawl, and stand, and boy, are we a powerful group! It is so exciting to see all of the changes that the children undergo, sometimes on a week to week basis. The class is working to establish and stick with routines to ensure the comfort of all. Overall, we have been so lucky to spend more and more time outdoors this week, from gazing at the trees above us, or taking a snooze in the sunshine, it's all for the good.

Infant II: Sun, sun, sun, what a thrill! The children have spent every possible moment outdoors. And with all the outdoor time, they have been able to focus on lots of gross motor activities. Lately, they have been working on balance, which can be a real challenge given the varied surfaces the playground brings; plus, the children haven't really been walkers for all that long! The kids have been working on balancing on one leg and another, utilizing the large leg muscles. Also, we want to send a very fond farewell to Kari, whose last day was on Friday. We wish her all the best as she departs MVS. 

Toddler I: We have fish...AND, they have made it through some real adventures this week, including many "non-aquatic" items being placed in the tank. Come visit with your children, and brainstorm some new fish names. This week some new large spools arrived on the playground, and the children really enjoyed crawling around them, and trying to pull themselves up on top of them. This was a great way to explore personal limits and know when to ask for help as they experienced this new playground element. 

Toddler II: This classroom also really enjoyed the new spools on the playground. A theme for the week was building the river ecosystem in the sensory table. The children collected rocks and other river items, then collected water to add to the table. On the same topic, this prompted discussions about things that float versus things that sink. "Why does the wood chip float in the table? Why does the rock sink?"

Pre- K: Health! Mobility! Knock on wood! The group is feeling good and getting off campus...In the past week, they made three trips to the Stowe Rec Path. And in doing so, they have made more observations regarding the differences between this time of year, and last fall. They are also noticing the birds and all of their comings and goings. In the classroom, the students created collection boxes to house all of the irresistible treasures they encounter during their day, and fear not, these treasure chests are meant to live at school!

As Seen At MVS

Thanks for Reading
A poem to start your week. -Sam 

How to Tell the Top of a Hill by John Ciardi

The top of a hill
Is not until
The bottom is below.
And you have to stop
When you reach the top
For there's no more UP to go.

To make it plain
Let me explain:
The one most reason why
You have to stop
When you reach the top -- is:
The next step up is sky.

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