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Summer Wonderful

Summer. The Longest Day. It's right around the corner. Can you feel it? We can!

Life as a Frog...
"Think of it," said Frog.
We will skip through the meadows
and run through the woods
and swim in the river.
In the evenings 
we will sit right here on this front porch
and count the stars...
     ~From Arnold Lobel's Frog and Toad are Friends

A few frogs made their way to school this week (thanks, Mike!). On Friday, the Pre-K class relocated them to a cozy spot in the woods near a pond, shade and plenty of little tadpole friends. 

Here, one of the Pre-K students reenacts the small frogs jumping to their new home.

One has to wonder about the life of a frog.

At the ready in prime hopping position.
And here....we....
Classroom Happenings
Infant I: The babies in Infant I enjoyed an artwork experience this week. The children manipulated colored ice cubes and paper inside zip bags.The results were impressive to say the least! This was a great project as it had multiple sensory components: The cold of the ice and the sensation of watching the colors change before their eyes. The class has also been full of movement this week; the kids have been climbing, crawling and balancing. The group also welcomed a new student. 

Infant II: We practiced taking turns in our class. Our method involved using a person's name and asking them, "Can I have a turn?" As the week progressed, there was lots of improvement across the board. We wanted to send a thank you to a parent who donated a few new books to the class. The stand out was Three Billy Goat's Gruff. The children loved this book and all the drama of the Troll's loud, angry voice. Pretend play was even more engaging than usual when one student sparked a "shopping trip" and others joined in: One child called it a "big shop" where he was set out to find a snack, another browsed the shelves for a dress, and still another came back with rocks in the basket which he carried over his arm.

Toddler I: Another week of adventures for Toddler I. We have continued taking walks to the end of the road, and the kids are really doing an great job with this activity. We have a number of children working hard on using the potty--listening to their bodies and telling grown ups when they need to go. Art remains a focus, and we will continue to build more and more opportunities for art into our schedule. 

Toddler II: This week the children were excited to find a series of tubes and containers meant for transporting water out on the playground. They enjoyed watching the water travel from one location to the next as it moved through different channels. In the sensory table, the class could be observed sorting out different bits of colored pasta in a variety of shapes. 

Pre-K: A big highlight of the week was the aforementioned frog relocation project. At other points in the week, the class worked on the outdoor "water wall" and continued their enthusiasm for the book, A Dark Dark Tale. On Wednesday, Jen was out of the classroom attending a training put on by Shelburne Farms called, In Bloom Vermont: Promising Practices of Nature Based Early Education. 

As Seen at MVS

Thanks for Reading

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