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Taking in Every Sunny Moment!

Could it be? Shorter days? Changing temps? With fall just around the corner, it's not a bad idea to take stock of cool and cold weather clothing you have on hand. That first all too cold and rainy day could certainly sneak up on us, and you'll want to be sure your child is prepared and comfy. Please remember we are outside in nearly all conditions. If you are new to school and have questions about what kind of clothing your child may need, please let us know, we are happy to help and even have some great "recommenced retailers" for MVS approved gear. 

Nature Corner
Activity: Come outside with me on a day with big fluffy clouds in the sky. Sit down next to me and watch the clouds. Talk with me about the different shapes we see. We could even pick a different cloud and see which one moves faster.

Why?: Nature helps my brain relax and restore itself after I have been feeling stress or negative emotions. 

Classroom Happenings
Infant I: We welcomed a new baby to the classroom this week, and we look forward to getting to know her better! We have been very interested in pull toys lately. We are noticing how they move and roll and are trying to recreate that in other toys we play with. We have also been manipulating the wire mazes, lifting up the beads and dropping them back down. Our classroom slide has been a place for working through all types of gross motor challenges. We have been walking and crawling both up and down on the incline. And, of course, we have been enjoying as much time outdoors as possible. 

Infant II: A loud noise! The children look to the sky, airplane? No! A helicopter! In addition to the fascinating helicopter, other airborne happenings have included a visits by turkey vultures and acrobatic chipmunks that seem to fly from branch to branch. We have truly been enjoying all that nature brings. Along the same lines, we have been thinking about how to appreciate nature in a gentle way; from lightly touching weeds, to yes, hugging trees, thinking about the impact of our actions has been an important topic of conversation this week. These conversations also to apply to our interpersonal interactions as well. We can learn a lot from going gently through the the world! Our students are also real pros at clean up time. The children are prompting themselves to clean up at meals and after play. 

Toddler I: So. Much. Building. Structures of all kinds have taken shape this week. Most notably, wooden blocks have been the material of choice, but bristle blocks and train tracks have been other sources of architectural wonder. The room is hustling and bustling with enthusiasm and curiosity as new students learn the ropes in Toddler I. The class continues to spend time exploring the nearby woods during morning walks, as well as time on the playground. Another exciting object for play this week was a large diaper box. The children could be found huddled inside, taking turns as they flapped the sides up and down: Flying? Rowing? The possibilities are endless. 

Toddler II: We have really been into watercolor painting. In fact, we spent two full mornings on watercolor painting. We have been practicing taking gentle strokes with the brushes and have found out what happens to the bristles when we are too rough with them. In the land of music, the chart topper has been "Oats and Beans and Barley;" circle has not been complete without it. The highlight of snack this week was homemade banana bread. The children were asking for it on multiple occasions. Snack and meal times continue to be a part of the day for building community. The children work very hard to serve themselves with tongs, and remind each other to take the proper portion sizes. They also have specific classroom jobs at mealtimes such as setting the table and loading the dishwasher. These routines and jobs help the children to understand their role as meaningful members of the community. 

Pre-K: Next week we will resume our regularly scheduled sharing times. Sharing times are a wonderful way for the children to share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences rather than possessions or special objects. A great way to prep for your child's sharing day is to brainstorm together what they might share. Our trips to the library have also reignited our enthusiasm for all things alphabet. We will follow the library schedule and talk about a letter or two per week. In other news, our Friday walk was a big adventure. We saw a crew from the town using a crane, taking down a tree, and turning that tree into bark mulch via wood chipper. The class waited and watched as the process unfolded. Obviously our love for heavy machinery is still alive and well.  

As Seen at MVS

Thanks for Reading


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