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Stick Season Social
Thank you so much for attending our Stick Season Social! It was a lot of fun and the children really enjoyed themselves. This was the first event for our new PTA and they were responsible for making it happen. We cannot thank you enough for all the work gathering amazing donations, making chili and putting it all together. 

We have MVS t-shirts and canvas bags for sale, if you are interested, please let Sarah know.

And, an exciting announcement: We are halfway to our fundraising goal to purchase an MVS bus! 

Classroom Happenings
Infant I: This week we have been working on an animal theme in our classroom. We have been reading about baby animals, and the older children are practicing making animal sounds. Each child seems to have a different animal sound they like making. B: Dog, C: Raccoon and L: Whale. The interest in animals also carries over to cuddling stuffed animals and sitting under our cow mobile. Another word on our older students, we are giving these children more time to spend exploring with the students in Infant II as they get closer to making the transition into that room. Other news: We welcomed a new baby into the class, the children are beginning to adjust to the increasing darkness in the afternoon, and most children are now enjoying at least one solid at mealtimes. We also wanted to thank parents for the notes sent in the communication notebooks. 

Infant II: Our favorite stories recently have been Chicka, Chicka Boom, Boom and How Big is a Pig. The children often request to read these stories bringing the books over to adults, or by asking for the book by name. We've also observed the children looking for these books on the bookshelf. We have been doing more music explorations with tambourines, and work hard to shake both our bodies and the tambourines at the same time. It's not easy stuff! There has also been an increase in dramatic play exploration; the children are using pots and pans in the kitchen to cook food including pasta, muffins and cakes. Then, they pretend to eat the food, or offer bites to one another. More pretend play has also taken shape as the children use the baby dolls and feed, change and comfort them ("It's ok" often heard as they rock them).

Toddler Room: We have been very interested in markers, crayons and colored pencils this week, especially after drop-off time. We are beginning to move past making only lines or jabs at the paper to drawing arcs and circles. We love the process of making art and using these materials. Our efforts with the children are focused primarily on social and emotional development. We are working hard to guide the children in behaviors that are kind and gentle, even when our feelings are strong. We are also practicing positive ways to interact with one another including waving, shaking hands and saying "hello." 

Preschool I: It's been great to have the class together as one happy, healthy group. Phew! This week we began a new study on camping. We have a tiny tent in our room, which is the new sleeping place for a gorilla. We've been checking on him, and have been brainstorming about how to make him a sleeping bag for his camping adventure. We are thinking about why people go camping, what kind of supplies one needs for camping, what kind of activities happen while camping and of course, conservation. We introduced the topic of conservation in circle using Denise Fleming's book, Where Once There Was a Wood. We have been spending some of our early morning time out in the front so we can soak up the sunshine. There, we have spotted chickadees eating from the feeder and collecting berries. We have also been making nests from the fallen pine needles. This also prompted a conversation about Cedar Waxwings, who also enjoy berries. Parents: Do you have a small pup tent (think 2 person) that we could use as a part of our camping unit? Let Sam know!

Preschool 2: We explored an unfamiliar trail this week and had a big adventure. We checked out the "Woof" trail in town, and it's quickly become apparent that this will be one of our new stomping grounds. We had some conversations about the presidential election. The children are keen listeners and observers, and had many questions about the process. Many members of the class decided it would be best to write the new president to remind him of the importance of kindness, gentleness and sharing. We also read the book Taking a Bath With the Dog, a funny story that focuses on heartfelt and sometimes silly things that make us joyful. The children's responses to what makes them happy can be found on the door to our classroom. As a group we are also working hard to be independent in dressing ourselves in our winter attire. 

Pre-K: We made a few more changes to our room in the past week. We've created a medical center where we care for each other, our stuffed animals and our baby dolls. Our science area is now more accessible and children have decided it also works well as a "pretend library."  We've been utilizing our listening center to listen to both books and music on tape. Our small climbing structure has become all types of construction vehicles. Our sensory table is full of water beads which are slippery little marble sized beads. As always we spent lots of time outdoors and exploring our community. 

As Seen at MVS

Thanks for Reading


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